
Il-Fondazzjoni Biblika Maltija twaqqfet fl-2021 bil-mandat tal-Isqfijiet ta’ Malta u Għawdex sabiex tkompli l-ħidma fejjieda li l-Għaqda Biblika Maltija għamlet sa mill-1958 u tindirizza aħjar il-ħtiġijiet pastorali tal-lum fid-dawl tas-sinjali taż-żminijiet. Bħala membru tal-Catholic Biblical Federation u l-United Bible Societies, li tagħhom hija membru, l-għan tal-Fondazzjoni jibqa’ dak li taħdem biex l-għarfien u l-istudju tal-Bibbja jkompli jixxerred fil-Gżejjer Maltin, kif ukoll li tkompli tissaħħaħ u tiġġedded it-traduzzjoni tal-Bibbja bil-Malti mill-ilsna oriġinali billi din tinżamm aġġornata u bbażata fuq l-aħħar studju u tagħlim tal-Knisja.

The Malta Bible Foundation was established in 2021 with the mandate of the Bishops of Malta and Gozo in order to continue the work that the Malta Bible Society has done since 1958 and better address today’s pastoral needs in the light of the signs of the times. As a member of the Catholic Biblical Federation and the United Bible Societies, of which it is a member, the aim of the Foundation remains that of working so that the knowledge and study of the Bible continues to spread in the Maltese Islands, as well as to continue to strengthen and renew the translation of the Bible in Maltese from the original languages ​​by keeping it updated and based on the latest study and teaching of the Church.

Board of Administrators:

  • Rev. Sinclair Bugeja: Chairperson of the Foundation
  • Rev. Peter Ellul: Secretary of the Foundation
  • Rev. George-Alexandru Popescu: Treasurer of the Foundation
  • Josephine Ruth Austen
  • Rev. Prof. Stefano Attard
  • Dr Nadia Delicata
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